It’s been interesting to ponder what qualifies me to do this type of work. I feel both expert and novice, beginner’s mind with life experience that assists in guidance and curious it’s necessary to grow. I have followed a few passions in this life, with a common thread revolving around self awareness and healing. I am a Certified Death Coach, Active Dreaming Teacher, Registered Nurse of 10+ years with the majority of my experience being in the Emergency Department. I am currently a Certified Emergency Nurse (CEN), and was formerly trauma certified (TNCC). Before that, I was a massage therapist, with 1000+ hours of training, and a Breema bodywork practitioner. I was fortunate to sit with and learn from the Sufi who brought this teaching to the US, and learn the 9 principles of harmony, which support us being in the present moment. It is profound, simple, and beautiful. I have studied Tai Chi and yoga. I have helped bring new humans into the world, held someone’s hands as they took their last breath, and helped to bring people back from the dead. I have had many conversations with people who are actively considering, or tried, to end their life. I wrote my first suicide note at age 10. I attempted at age 15. I have given 1000s of massages, working with people in trance states to bring them balance and relief. I have always had vivid dreams, and in the last several years have worked harder at learning how to journey without substances and gain insight and guidance for my life. I have traveled extensively in the western hemisphere. I backpacked solo in Latin America to learn Spanish. I have taken courses from the Institute of Shamanic Studies, Sandra Ingerman, Robert Moss, and Dance of the Deer. I am working on my hypnotherapy certificate, so that I might be better at guiding others into the liminal states. At age 4 I had a near death experience, which as a result, eliminated my fear of death. I have been involved in ACoA (Adult Children of Alcoholics and dysfunctional families) since 2020. Between this and working in the ER, I am well aware of how almost all of us have dealt with dysfunction in some way in our lives. Most of us have adverse childhood experiences in some way, and working to heal the inner child is something that can present itself as important particularly in the final days of life. I did take a 6 week course in permaculture at Aprovecho in Oregon, which was absolutely mind changing, and furthered my interest in the importance of including our connection of the environment to our hearts and minds for growth and guidance. There was the time I was T.A. for my anatomy dissection class, which was certainly a huge lesson on the temporality of our existence. A long time ago, I created a Red Tent Burning Man camp with some friends. We did rituals and workshops, fundraisers, centered around providing connection to women’s cycles and our life creation. That was so much fun, and deeply moving for all of us. I love to dance, and have actively worked on utilizing movement to activate new neural pathways, release emotional and mental blocks, explore how movement and thoughts interact, move energy, and connect and pray with the earth. I used to salsa dance, and love samba, african, and free form dancing. I have been leading a dream sharing group for a few months now, and it is so much fun to see how we learn about each other and ourselves through this personal storytelling. My dreams are vivid, and they have been a source of guidance, insight and entertainment since I was a small child. I have had several spiritual realizations and visions throughout my years. The tributaries that make up the river of my life are winding and deep, and I feel them all flow into this idea of who I am now. I feel every drop creating this work I offer here. My life, I cannot help but to observe, has been pointing me in certain directions, and I feel so grateful to be able to listen. It has been very painful at times, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, but the reward for listening to the deepest callings has more than I could ever possibly imagine. We are all one another’s teachers in this dance of life.
I am ever so grateful to be offering this work in the world.
Sincerely yours, Luna Astria